I’ve never had much tolerance for folks who blame the horse. Almost every time it happens, I find it hard not to want to point out how the rider’s personal short comings might be the problem.
Not surprisingly, it’s almost never the accomplished riders who look to blame their partner.
It could be a temperament issue or it could be that the more a rider learns, the more they realize how much more there still is to know.
The horse will always be your best teacher if you stay open to accepting his feedback for what it is…:-)
Thanks Pat for this video. Iv’e seen people yanking the horses head, see sawing on the bit, legs continually kicking….its no wonder our equine friend gets confused as to what signals are being presented and what to follow or ignore or to just simply stop.
The horse graciously allows you to sit on his back. He feels every movement you make, the tension in your muscles, from your butt, down through the saddle, your legs, your feet, the tension or lack there of on the reins.
So…. stop and think before hurling excuses at the horse. Maybe, just maybe, you have a roll to play in the behaviour unfolding.
Hi Pat,
I love the idea that the horses don’t think ahead and plan to not cooperate. I have noticed, by watching young students with horses, that they are learning the skills that are necessary for parenting children. Learning to interact with horses is an example of anticipatory socialization (a term from the grade 11 textbook called Raising Healthy Children). We need this so we are not only better with horses but better with family and other social relationships. And these transferable soft skills (a term from the grade 10 Careers textbook) help prepare kids for the work world. I love it when school and real life connect. Thanks for the video.