6 thoughts on “Losing Luna”

  1. Judith

    So sorry for your loss Pat. I was blessed with a wonderful old grey Arabian who taught so many to ride, took my granddaughter on her first ride in the mountains of Utah, was so patient and kind. We figured she was 32. Such an angel, Very quickly she became blind, was put in a pasture with only a couple of other horses to live out her last days. She lay down and went to sleep one night by herself. I praised God for the time with this old gal. Luna appeared in your last video of her, very relaxed and happy. God bless you for loving her and giving her (and others) their best life on your farm. Hugs to you all from Alabama. USA.

  2. Margie Babbitt

    Pat, So sorry for your loss. It’s never easy to lose any of our animals. Looks like you gave her a wonderful life.🙏

  3. Lori Gordon

    I am so sorry to hear about Luna. It seems like no matter how long a time you have them or how short a time it’s still painful. Especially when the horse is very special like it sounds like Luna was. I am so thankful that she had her last few months there with you guys where she was loved and cared for and we hope happy. Praying that you will all find comfort.

  4. Mary

    Pat so sorry to hear about Luna – you did everything you could for her and I’m sure she knew she had a special place in so many people’s hearts. A lovely lady …

  5. Karen

    Thank you for dedicating a video to sharing Luna’s story. Her time at Harrogate was short but indeed, impactful. My sense is that she did feel comfortable, and safe, and loved, right to the end.

  6. Linda

    My sympathies Pat and to those who became close to her.

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