
It’s funny how time seems to change speed depending on what you’re going through and how you’re looking at it.

The lock down has had that feel to it…like it just started yesterday….or it’s been going on forever…

But I’m pleased that I was able to use the ‘down’ time to finally put the finishing touches on the course I’ve been promising to put together for years.

I’m also so grateful that we were in the position to be able to wait and see if one of our best school horses would get stronger with the onset of spring.

Both of these things have benefited from the passage of time even if my gray hair wasn’t as fortunate…:-)

3 thoughts on “Time”

  1. Linda Clulow

    Very uplifting, good news video Pat. We need some welcome news these days and Sadie is providing our breath of fresh air.

    I am also looking forward to your upcoming information on the video course you have produced. I know with your extensive background and experience that the content will be well worth checking out. I’m waiting patiently!


  2. Andrea Mifsud

    So glad that Sadie is doing better. ❤️
    During my occasional visits to the barn for lessons, I was always glad to be paired up with her as my patient equine teacher, putting up with me as I tried to master the art of balance , relaxation and subtle communication.
    Looking forward to the video course!

    1. Thanks Andrea…I don’t think she’s out of the woods quite yet but this seems like a hopeful improvement. Fingers crossed….

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